Manufacture of machinery and equipment for the leather, leather goods, and footwear industries

Manufacture of machinery and equipment for the leather, leather goods, and footwear industries
As a continuation of a niche sector where we have been present and specialized for over 40 years, we have decided to carry on the production activities of Eurmeccanica Shoes for the construction of machines for shoe factories, such as leveling machines, grinders, automatic marking machines, and feeders. With our extensive experience in this field, we are able to fully meet its needs. In addition to machines, we also offer a complete range of spare parts and an excellent specialized technical assistance service
Take a look at our selection of machines, or are you looking for something specific?
SV04: two-belt buffer FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThis machine buffs the leather sole on the grain side. The singlestep buffing utilizes two abrasive cl...
View full detailsROUNDED HEEL COVER SIZING MACHINE This machine is designed to size heel covers for thinned soles, made from either leather or tunit, from the “fle...
View full detailsMARKING MACHINE FOR TUNIT AND LEATHER SOLES WITH ELECTRONIC POSITIONING SYSTEM This fully automatic machine allows the user to mark shoe soles...
View full detailsLEVELING MACHINE WITH DOUBLE FINISHING AND FLESH SIDE FLUFFING FOR SOLES AND HEELS This machine has been designed to execute the levelling operati...
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